CNS Coach Symposium
Cheer Nova Scotia is THRILLED to have hosted our first ever Coach Symposium on December 9, 2023! We plan to make this an annual event, please join us in 2024!
Sessions include:
Special Guest Speakers
Tumbling classes
Stunting classes
Gym Owner and Event Producer Round tables
Sports Nutritionists
Cheer & Scholastic focused classes
Inclusive Sports
Safe Sport Presentations
Sport Lomo (registration system) overview
Skill Builder overview
Coaching Foundations Course unveiling
Sideline assistance
... and more!
We also have:
Prizes for attendees! Register early and get EXTRA prize ballots!
Swag bags/gifts for attendees
Light breakfast and coffee/tea Saturday am
Coach Social Saturday night (light hors d'oeuvres provided)
Making Ethical Decisions (MED) - In person!