
See taping techniques below for various injuries/weaknesses. It is always recommended that an athlete seeks help from a medical professional after sustaining an injury. It is important to be mindful that small problems can become major injuries in long term if an athlete is given improper care.

CNS does not own any of the following content/videos. These taping techniques were posted by legitimate health professionals and were found on Youtube, posted here as a fast resource for CNS members to access for convenience purposes.


CNS 2020 Injury Research showed that wrist pain was the most common injury among all participants, and general soreness was the most voted culprit.

Logan Post - Basic Circular Wrist Taping (white athletic tape): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sJGxwgkpgI

Waterloo Sports Medicine Centre - Wrist Athletic Taping: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqLy0PLZq7M

KT Tape - Wrist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlCFhibUi_4


Williams Chiropractic - Hyperabduction/Hyperextension athletic taping for the thumb: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AEDHuaMzng

Shin Splints


CNS 2020 Injury Research results showed that sprains are the most common ankle injury among NS cheerleaders. While inversion ankle sprains are most common among athletes of all sports, eversion ankle sprains can happen. See below the difference between inversion and eversion ankle sprains:


CNS 2020 Injury Research found that pain and/or instability was the most common shoulder injury among NS cheerleaders.

KT tape for rotator cuff pain:


CNS 2020 Injury Research results showed that general soreness was the most common knee injury among NS cheerleaders.

KT tape for knee pain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4Z7lC7FlvE

KT tape for patella femoral syndrome and/or inferior knee pain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAqU0mu3-ic

KT self-taping for anterior knee pain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1irQ_63dG4


CNS 2020 Injury Research found that lower back (lumbar region) pain was most common among NS cheerleaders.

KT taping for low back pain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44ZnMB6eqes

You can also check out @beatumblepro on Instagram for more taping/tips!